Thank you for your entries. If you have time, we would like to see entry #10 without "Legal Services of Southern Missouri," just to see what it would look like. And on Entry #8, can you send in another entry with the exact same design only a darker blue, a more royal blue?
Please reconstruct entries (if you have time) for both #9 and #10 without "Legal Services of Southern Missouri," so that we can see what it would look like. Thank you, LSSM
If you have time, the Executive Director would like to see entry #12 with the arching line that runs all the way through the state of Missouri, the same line that is in Entry #10 only with the colors of entry #12.
And, most importantly, he would like to see entry #10 exactly as it is, only without "Legal Services of Southern Missouri." He likes the colors of #10 and he really likes the arching line that cuts through the state of Missouri. By the way, what do you call this line in graphic design terms?
I attached an image to our contest brief for your reference, it is a map of the area (exact counties) where LSSM provides services to its clients. LSSM is highlighted in pink (light red) on the map.
I have a couple suggestions of different logos that we would love to see if you have time. If you compare entry #12 with entry #16, it seems that in entry #12, the scales of justice are larger and the area highlighted in blue is smaller than in others like #16. In entry #16, the scales of justice seem to be smaller than in #12 and the area highlighted in #16 is a bit larger. So, the first request is to take #12 and make the scales of justice a bit smaller and the service area highlighted a bit larger.
Also, we noticed that the scales of justice that you are using makes a small cross at the bottom of the scales of justice. You will see that there is a small horizontal line that crosses the vertical line creating a small cross which we are a bit concerned about. Can you please add the entry above with and without this small horizontal line and maybe one other design without this small horizontal line that creates the cross, perhaps entry #16 since it is ranked #1.
Thank you for your time and let me know if you do not understand something. We highly appreciate your revisions!! Have a great week!
We had a long meeting today, I have some feedback for you. We love entry #50, the black and white version of the logo, that is useful because LSSM is a not-for-profit and not everything can be printed in color, so it is great to have the black and white logo as a reference.
If you have time, we would like to see the following revisions: Entry #37 - Can you change the courthouse and use a different courthouse in this logo? There is interest in this logo, but people did not care for the courthouse.
Entry #34 - We would like to see this logo, only in some different variations. We would like the part that is in green to be in blue to match the LSSM. Then, on the top or northern part of Missouri you can put the green or a different color.
Thank you for your time, looking forward to your revisions if you have time.
Hi FlatWorld, hope that you are having a great weekend, can we please see entry #90, but in place of the green on the northern part of missouri, can you change the color to steel grey. It would be nice to see this exact logo only remove the green and use a navy blue and a steel grey, the same as the colors used in the first place logo. The Executive Director loves this logo that you have created!!