Thank you for your entries, excellent concept! Your design has a very good chance to win. Can you please send some more entries in that are variations on this same concept?
Let me give you some feedback on what we would like to see with this design (only in reference to Entry #38):
Revision 1: - On all the revisions we need you to take out "Legal Services of Southern Missouri" and add in our slogan, "Providing Quality Legal Aid." - Can we see the same as entry #38, only with this one change above?
Revision 2: - On all the revisions we need you to take out "Legal Services of Southern Missouri" and add in our slogan, "Providing Quality Legal Aid." - Can you attempt to put this graphic (scales of justice and the law book) into a circular format?
Revision 3: - On all the revisions we need you to take out "Legal Services of Southern Missouri" and add in our slogan, "Providing Quality Legal Aid." - Can you please take the same entry #38 and center the law book and the scales of justice if possible?
Thank you for your time, we love your design and the colors that you have chosen.
Congratulations!! Your logo is ranked 1 right now...I need to see entry #82, but without the bookmark. Please keep everything the same, including the V shape and the thickness of the V shape, but take out the book mark. Some people do not recognize that it is a book, so we want to see this logo without the bookmark making the book look only like a V shape. Thank you!!