Thank you for the designs you have submitted and congratulations on making the Top 5 Designers in my logo tournament.
Entry # 84 is still the design you have submitted that I prefer.
Will you please change Entry # 84 so that the stylized person in the middle is blue and the two smaller stylized people on the sides are orange. And will you change the colour of the words LEADERSHIP INFLUENCE to the darkest blue you have used in the design already.
Then I would like to see the design with the words to the right of the logo instead of underneath.
If you win the tournament will you be able to give me the files for updated Entry # 84 and the new Entry (with the words to the right) as above and the updated Entry # 84 with out the words and the updated Entry # 84 with just the words? This will help me with business cards and letterhead etc for the business.
Thanks for feadback, okey i'll revised this design as you need. If you choice me design, i'll help you although this tournament has been completed, we can touch through email, I will try to help you until you feel satisfied with my designs. I 'm a designer was not happy when my client is not satisfied with my work.