I gave two designs with dark backgrounds, may could be a consideration for you..
And I'm sorry if my english is not good ... because all this time I had to communicate with client using the google translator ... and wish you well pleased.
Thank you for your comments and for your new designs.
Your English through the Google translator is good. I can understand what you are saying to me.
I like design Entry # 28 and Entry # 29 but the dark background won't work for me. Will you please re-design Entry # 29 with no dark background and change the yellow to orange in the stylized figure.
Thank you for Entry # 22 that has the stylized person added to Entry # 12 like I suggested
Thank you for all your designs in my logo tournament and congratulations on being one of the Top 5 Designers.
Your Entry # 40 and Entry # 41 are still my favourites from your designs.
Will you please look at some updates to Entry # 41 - change the colour of the gray circle to the blue colour and change the colour of the word INFLUENCE to the same colour blue.
Then will you make a new design with the words to the right of the logo like you did in Entry # 11.
Will you please look at some updates to Entry # 40 - make the stylized figure a bit bigger and change the stripes to a globe with Australia as the prominent part of the globe.
Then will you make a new design with the words at the bottom of the logo.
Did you have any other design ideas you wanted to submit?
If you win the tournament will you be able to give me the files for the winning Entry with the words at the bottom of the logo and the words at the right side of the logo plus the winning Entry with out the words and the winning Entry with just the words? This will help me with business cards and letterhead etc for the business.