just anything that could be simple/modern/minimal. Doesn't have to be perfectly similar to the ones in my brief. could be outside the box if you think it could fit well
also, you're definitely right about the letters with the dino head in the A. probably cant make it too thin then, and this is as thin as you could probably make it
I think another good idea might be to put the dinosaur head inside a circle or a hexagon. potentially putting a border around that. The hexagon could be like a dark green, or a black. whatever you think might look best
honestly ive been pretty intrigued by just the head as well. Could you try one with the head to the left, with the letters horizotal and next to each other, just like one of the other submissions. Except with spacing the letters out a little bit
I think im warming up most to the letters most like this. side by side. Could you do one with the dinosaur on top of the letters, and then space the letters out a little bit more please?
OK, here I go playing around with font choice.
For the T Rex as negative space on A then we should use Bold font it won't appears in Medium font version. Please check my new update #151#152#153 and #154
As I know this site provide feature that you can "correct" my design with your "sketch" and give mark/ notion
ive been playing around with this in canva just to get some new concepts that could look good with the way you have the E and A
Could you make one where you put the words actually next to each other? Of course, you'd have to size up/size down one of the words. to make them the same size
Another concept is to add a little spacing in between the letters. It would give it a "futuristic" look.
and possibly have one where the font is a little thinner, and also spaced out a little bit. Hopefully if the font is thinner, the Dinosaur can still be in the "A". One font I've been using for this is "roboto condensed". But what I think could look good is make the word "Lead" bolder, and "asaurus" slightly thinner then the base font.
I even created one with Roboto condensed for the word "lead" and then roboto mono light for the word "asaurus"
I wish i could include attachments through this haha
yeah i think i like the other pose better, but both are cool. what might be a good pose is one of the attachments theres a darker green dinosaur. His body is facing to the left, but his head is turned to the right. It's also a similar style to this dino. It could also balance the logo out to so its not so heavy to the right
But I do think this is a good idea and I see where you were going with it. is it possible to scale the head down, and put that head on a full body T. rex with a similar style?
This looks awesome. I probably should’ve been more clear, could you do a full body T. rex? That’s my fault tho, when I mentioned the purple dino I in the image references, I meant doing a full body
Thank you for rank and feedback so far.
Please check my new update #65 with lighter green and darker black.
Also alternative with t rex logo outside the side of letter. Left and right letter on #63 and #64
Just let me know if you need other update from my designs.
what would be cool is if i could do a primary and a secondary logo. so one logo like this where the dinosaur is in the A. But another logo where the Dinosaur is on the side, outside of the letters.
I'm assuming you might have drew inspiration from the purple dinosaur logo I attached since the head looks similar. If you could do something similar to that purple dinosaur, but also on the side of the letters, that would be awesome. I guess its a geometric/pixelated style, but it goes well
really like this! could you try it with a different green, maybe a little lighter, and a darker black? I wish the system would let me give you the exact colors through here
Definitely curious if there are other plays that can be made on the dinosaur, but i like how you played in sort of a pixelated version of it
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For the T Rex as negative space on A then we should use Bold font it won't appears in Medium font version. Please check my new update #151 #152 #153 and #154
As I know this site provide feature that you can "correct" my design with your "sketch" and give mark/ notion
Could you make one where you put the words actually next to each other? Of course, you'd have to size up/size down one of the words. to make them the same size
Another concept is to add a little spacing in between the letters. It would give it a "futuristic" look.
and possibly have one where the font is a little thinner, and also spaced out a little bit. Hopefully if the font is thinner, the Dinosaur can still be in the "A". One font I've been using for this is "roboto condensed". But what I think could look good is make the word "Lead" bolder, and "asaurus" slightly thinner then the base font.
I even created one with Roboto condensed for the word "lead" and then roboto mono light for the word "asaurus"
I wish i could include attachments through this haha
please check my new update #115 and #116 with t rex in full body
Please check my new update #65 with lighter green and darker black.
Also alternative with t rex logo outside the side of letter. Left and right letter on #63 and #64
Just let me know if you need other update from my designs.
I'm assuming you might have drew inspiration from the purple dinosaur logo I attached since the head looks similar. If you could do something similar to that purple dinosaur, but also on the side of the letters, that would be awesome. I guess its a geometric/pixelated style, but it goes well
Definitely curious if there are other plays that can be made on the dinosaur, but i like how you played in sort of a pixelated version of it