Lead Like a GirlLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lead Like a Girl

Lead Like a Girl has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 147 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.












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Logo Designer
Hi there..
Here's my starting logo for "lead like a girl".

#6 #7 #8 descripe the message of girl's thinking wild and smart. So i made a fresh hairy and a way of girl's thinking.

#9 also i find a woman's symbol combine it with woman standing body.

comments and suggestions is very welcome.
Thank you,
15 years ago

Thank you so much for your submissions! There's a team of 3 of us giving input here, so I'll be the first to jump in and share my thoughts. Logo #9 is my favorite one that you did. LOVE how you used the silouhette to create the woman's symbol as part of the logo...very clever! Can you play around with some different fonts though? I am not sure I like the mix of upper/lower case the way it is. For example, why are 'Lead' & 'Like' capitalized but 'girl' is not? I'd like to see a few different font styles. I like this one...but want to see what else you come up with.

Also, I like the way you have Lead as the bigger word than girl. Our company is about women as leaders, but I like the idea of making leadership the bigger part of it. Just to see some other options, could you play with making 'Lead' & 'Girl' both the same size the 'like a' smaller in between them? I'd like to see what that looks like.

Finally, can you try it with the color pink instead of purple? Thanks.

As for #6, #7, & #8...I understand what you were trying to say (the wild & smart thinking) but this logo looks a bit too youthful for my taste. Our target audience is going to be professional women and I'm not sure this look would appeal to them. However, I definitely want the other two girls to weigh in and share their thoughts on this group of logos.

Thanks again for your designs! I really appreciate your participation!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there,

Happy to see your positive suggestions and comments, i really like this logo too.. ;)
Based on your suggestions, i made a pink color on this logo, and try to explore more fontype, and it's quite nice now. my personal suggestions is #20, cause i made the silouhette simpler, and more clearly visual for a woman symbol too...

Waiting for the next discussion with you kate.. ;)

Thank you,
15 years ago

Hi there! Thanks so much for making some changes and doing a few new ideas!

Even though I love your creative use of the silhouette to create a female symbol (way clever!) my test audience did not. :-(

BUT...my test audience really seemed to like logos #31 & #32. I also love what you did w/ the world being pink...cute twist! One respondent said the girl looked like she was standing on a scale, so I was wondering if you could play with the scale of the world. Maybe you could have her sitting on it or leaning on it...or even holding it? Perhaps it could be a watermark behind the words & silhouette? Not sure what the right answer is, just curious what else is possible so it doesn't look like she's checking to see if she ate too much at Thanksgiving! :-)

I so, SO appreciate all the work you've done on this logo. The designs I've received so far have completely blown away my expectations. Thanks for being a part of this! I'd be happy to write a testimonial or something to say how responsive you've been and fantastic to work with!

Thanks again for everything. Looking forward to a few more twists on your designs!

Leslie (Kate's business partner)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi again, waaaw this competition is so hot! and i really excited about it...;)

i'm still making some ideas for you, this is the one and there's still a chance to give you more (hope so). Woman conqueror the world, not even man's world but women's world too. i think #57 and #58 is so interesting, simple, directly message of woman leadership.

tips for choosing the best logo for your brand :

1. simple and printable. It will be hard for your brand logo if there's so much detail shape on it, it'll be crowded when we resizing it on the future.

2. not too much color. Lots of colors will reduce your logo quality when you want to print it, and it will cost more expensive.

3. eye catching, which is the brand logo must be unique and easy to read and understand. too crowded visual will distract people's eye to understand that.

4. Can be applicable to every medium (print, plate, billboard, web, letterhead), so if the logo is too crowded you will hard to find a best concistency quality of it.

5. The best logo can be describe when the logo is reduce until 2cm size, it's still can be read. if not, there's a problems when you want to put it into letterhead, envelope, or a name card..

So, all my submission is already tested with that rules, and ready to fulfill your needs, with easy use in the future... ;)

thank you so much for the opportunity, if you have a perfect choose with my logo as your logo winner, we still can revise and finalize it when you are at the judging time.. i will ready to fullfill your team's satisfaction kate... ;)))

15 years ago
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