Hi. Thank you for your wonderful logo! We love it so much especially the abstract 'L' & 'R' as the emblem!
To make it more interesting logo, maybe you could improve on the background. Make it more like FLOWER design instead of 'leaves' like now. You could refer #42 flower design. Maybe you could try rose or any other flowers.
Besides, the face feature is quite hard and not natural. Maybe you could make it like this
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7VMG8L5V6KM/UX7Ago2PzBE/AAAAAAAAAA8/bup3cMdqDpI/s250-c-k-no/ProfilePhotosThe 'L' and 'R' which symbolize hijab is really an amazing idea! Or maybe you have more creative ideas to play around and improve from this.
Keep it up! We are looking forward for your better design! TQ again :)