Hi, I like #16 and #19 the way you assembled the 2 letters L and D looks good! I am not too sure about the red? If you have any other ideas about different colors, please try and share with us! Thank you!
Thanks for the new logos! they look good. May I ask you to try something new on colors? For exemple entry #16 #59 #57 #58 , could change black background to a niice marine blue with white letters ad the opposite (letter in blue white back ground).
The latest entries you made are great #82 #83. We are acctually a bit worried about something we ve got the feeling that it looks like a forbidden sign more than the two letters L + D. What do you think? If you have any idea to make it a bit different, please do it!!
We finally decided to keep you in our top5. We like your designs, especially entrie #299 #332 #82 #317. If you still can provide some variations it would be great, thank you again for your efforts!!
Thanks CH, you have taken this decision. OK, I want to do the best for you. As your suggestion, here's some variation of my previous entry. Please comment for further improvement, so that would really fit with what you are looking for. THANKS.