SreeKantg, I am ready to declare you the winner.
Would it be possible to get this, more detailed, design as well as the more simple one that you created?
I would use the more detailed one for print and the simple one for use on teeshirts, etc... Also could I get a version of the simple one in gray-scale?
Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.
-Ward 518-763-1309
Sreekantg, please do the following:
1. Eliminate the portion of the lawn mower which is right above the rear tire.
2. Please make the rear tire slightly bigger, and have more of a hot-rod look to it.
3. Please have the rear tire have spokes on the wheel.
4. Please have the grass and debris that is shooting out the rear wheel to have more of a 'shooting' effect. Maybe with some lines to denote movement.
I really do like the design, especially the man barely holding onto the lawn mower.
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Would it be possible to get this, more detailed, design as well as the more simple one that you created?
I would use the more detailed one for print and the simple one for use on teeshirts, etc... Also could I get a version of the simple one in gray-scale?
Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.
-Ward 518-763-1309
1. Eliminate the portion of the lawn mower which is right above the rear tire.
2. Please make the rear tire slightly bigger, and have more of a hot-rod look to it.
3. Please have the rear tire have spokes on the wheel.
4. Please have the grass and debris that is shooting out the rear wheel to have more of a 'shooting' effect. Maybe with some lines to denote movement.
I really do like the design, especially the man barely holding onto the lawn mower.
Feedback on any of the designs would help me design a better logo, according to your choice.
Thank you