#122 -design is a representation of the golden ratio or golden mean which has been used by artists since the Renaissance. The proportion is aesthetically pleasing, mathematically accurate and this sequence can be found in nature. i.e.- the nautilus shell #123 -design is based on Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love. Her profile is inspired stylistically from the painting, Birth of Venus.
Thank you for your submissions, cpd, and thank you for describing the meaning behind your designs. I like having some knowledge about why you chose these designs and what the meanings are behind them, shows you have put some thought into it. I like the concept behind 122 but not sure about the design itself. I really like the concept behind 123, right up my alley. I am however, not sure about the design itself. I like that it is in the form of a circle but maybe the design of the face could use some tweaking.