On entries: #21,#22,#23, and #24 -nIce design and colors. If you were to drop the initial "D" or downsize to emphasize the LY initials, it would emphasize the my name more. Could you re-draw it without he "d" (or make it less visible in the logo)?Thanks in advance for your work.
Nice design on #49 - any other color combinations with a different background? You might have to change the logo colors with bacground color changes also. Thanks in advance for your help.
#161: like it a lot. Need 2 changes- need it with a white background. Also, the LY both need to be capitalized...looks like the Y is a little smallish. Finally, I would like to see the LY more bronze than yellow. Great logos- thanks!
#181- this is my favorite logo at this time, but i do not care for the greenish color. No green hue in the color at all please. If you can go bronze and brown, that would be ideal. Thank you kindly.
we are going to end this contest early as you are the winner. we just need to work out the color combinations as I am still not set on them. perhaps you can do the gold on top and a lighter brown on the lower?