Good morning, you've done an amazing job and we love your design and the details. We had several business associates and friends help us with choosing the final 5 logos and the crowd went for your competition. Thanks for all the work you've done!!!
Good morning,
I've been working on improving the details of my design, making sure "Lady of the Sea' stands out and the angles of the letters are perfect. I've also improved the mermaid, specifically the upper body. Thanks again for all of your feedback!
I can use the same font here for Adventures ( without the swirls on. N and S), also remove the waves at the top . I’ll do that first thing in the morning.
na.... let's go back to #49, we like that font better than this new one and the waives under the "Lady of the Sea". Keep this "Adventure" font in orange and put in #49 and eliminate waives in top of mermaid (too much). thanks
Like the color of lady of the sea better, mermaid's chin needs fixing lol, color of Adventure is great too, but maybe use different, more easy to read font for it (no swirls on N and S). Thanks
#44 I've darkened "Lady of the Sea" and changed the font for "Adventures" as well as the color. As for the hair, I added a little more red, still wanted it to feel like it was flowing in the water. The other mermaid's hair I drew in a totally different way, I can certainly do that, but I don't think it has that free flowing feel. Thank you again for all of your comments.
We like this the best. Really nice Mermaid, love the bubles. could you add some red streaking/blending to her hair as you did in one of your earlier versions. Regarding the verbiage. we have two ideas. first darken the text so that it stands out more and a second version with the darkened text a couple points larger to match the length of the waves at the bottom, which we like too. The word adventures needs some help. maybe in a color similar to the hair, underlined, bolder font or ??
we love what you did with the mermaid but want to stay with the horizontal presentation like the first two you did. we like what you did with the accent on the font. would like her body to be white or a little more flesh tone and a bit more hair flowing like she is under water. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks,
We like this layout and the colors, just the "of the" is not easy to read, maybe no italic font? Also, can you change her hands/fingers to not being to pointy? Let's keep this layout, buy my husband suggest to also create another one with the mermaid's right arm back, left arm towards the front (like she is presenting something) and the mermaid turned a little more towards the viewer (if that all makes sense)
#10 I was almost finished with this one when I read your last comments. I'll continue to work on a design with those comments in mind. Thanks for your feedback.
like your direction. would like see some twist in her body, maybe another layout showing her chest instead of a side profile, possibly hands forward with an offering and without the black fingers. would like an easier to read font. Some scales on her lower body. in regards to color a translucent redish hair and some color to her body and font. thanks
#8 Hi. Here's the design I am working on for your logo project. I haven't added color or finished the detail on the mermaid, but wanted to get a little feedback from you to see if this is something you might like. Thanks in advance for your consideration and feedback!
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I've been working on improving the details of my design, making sure "Lady of the Sea' stands out and the angles of the letters are perfect. I've also improved the mermaid, specifically the upper body. Thanks again for all of your feedback!
I've been working on improving the overall design, especially the mermaid's upper body.