I've included the LacCardinal sign which I think is quite distinctive - along with a horse to represent adventure and the outdoor life. The road represents an optimisitc path to the future, a bright and sunny future.
Hi Husk I very much like the background imagery, but find the horse and Lac Cardinal entrance archway distracting / overpowering. Any other ideas without those two elements that incorporate the basic design? Thanks
Hi, Would you be opposed to having the horse and wheat on the outside of the crest (like a coat of arms design)? I like the sunrise from entry #1, the colour of the what and horse in #5, the width of the text ring in #7 and the font in #3. Also, the road could represent the Peace River (a major tourist destination in our region) if it was blue. I know that defeats the 'road to the future' concept you have proposed, but it would appeal to the board, I think.
Hi, here is a version with a river, I think it works just as well as the road - thanks for the tip off! ... I also like the simplicity of this one without the horse and wheat ... let me know.
I will try one with a coat of arms style with the horse and wheat outside, but my first attempt hasn't worked out yet ... the text inside the logo becomes too small, and it wouldn't work as it is ... I'll think about it though :)
Hi, Thanks for the new one, I like it too. Clean and simple but with a big message. Ignore my ranking it as 2nd. I find both 1 and 2 equally impressive. Glad it's not my decision :-) The reason I suggested putting the wheat and horse outside is a matter of logistics. A wider logo will fit better with how we will probably be presenting it on highway signage, etc.