Thank you, it is a very good start but to my taste not elegant enough. A few comments off the top pf my head.
- I like the cereal on the side - I like the boar (especially the teeth) and the duck but would like the drawinf to be less "childish / cartoon" and more real - No need to put anything behind the animals, since it is a PIN it will be empty - As for the writing, I dont like the support, please make it more elegant. Police could zork but I would like other options if possible
Hi,sorry I was out for a few days but I am asking for 3 extra contest days so please make appropriate changes as follow:
1) I like your logo but it should a mix of your two entries #2 and #15 2) I like the design of your duck in 2 but the boarTake doest not look "real"enough. 3) Take the design of 15 and use the animal in 2 but please try to spend a bit more time in making the boar look better. As a hint, one of the tournament entries shows a boar I like in terms of design - it should be a side shot like you did but with more character