Here are my submissions #11, #12, #13, #14.... Hopefully pleased. Please feel free to contact me for any requests. And please let me know if you need any changes/modification on my entries. Thank you!
Hi IM.Cahyadi, So far your submissions are interesting. Only Little thing is that the dolphin icon including the circle is very big and we think the focus is all on it so maybe shrinking it a bit would be good! We are a communication/marketing company and the dolphin is our reference but we would also like to focus on the "Source"! Thank you, you're doing great work!
I see you add a mouth and an eye, but did you also changed the dolphin shape? I think the shape looks better on the new one! Can you replicate #15 and only use an eye? This way we could compare. Thank you!
Thanks you for the revision, could you try something where the dolphin element is smaller? We want to focus on SOURCE a lot, the dolphin is some kind of trademark but the source is a lot important too. Thanks!