#114 - I love this design but feel it may fit better with a yoga studio versus massage clinic and I feel it may attract female versus male more. I wish for it be neutral in gender appearance.
#115-122 - I like these designs and colors. Can you modify the shape or angle of the lines so there is no opening appearing?
Also, just wondered why you left out the last dot to L.I.F.E? I like it and have seen other businesses use this for their acronyms but wondered why?
#159 - Like this design. Would you mind modifying the shape of the horizontal curve so that it will be replicating the shape of a healthy spine when lying flat on a massage table (i.e. not as much of a curve but not straight)? Also, the vertical curve to duplicate an upright spine shape?
Let me know if this does not make sense to you.
Also, I think I prefer the text with gradient of blue (sky blue to blue) from bottom to top or top to bottom. Similar to design #131.
1. Please could you change LIFE color to graded sky blue to blue from top to bottom (without the wave) like #57.
2. THe vertical spine shape - please could you straighten it marginally to appear more like a side view of the spinal column see http://tinyurl.com/yjueskl