Great work! Love the direction. Continue with the concept of #17 and #16 re the guitar strings. A few things: i) Can we see the logo with black background and white writing/also sky blue writing on tan background (and vice versa). ii) Can you try it with a denim feel? iii) Can we try the logo slightly larger for comparison? iv) Experiment with having the background also looking rustic/unpolished ala the logo smudges?
i) Can we try #17 in a larger size ala #19? ii) Can we see what the background would look like grungy in #19 and #20? iii) Can you experiment with making the logo look a little more worn in #19 and #20?
- bear in mind that backgrounds are not part of the logo an it's just for presentation. A transparent background file can be provided with final files so you can place it over any color/texture -feel free to mark as 'Not Interested' any of the entries you don't like
Thanks for that, looks great! Can you do #23 and #24 for us again, with the font of "Krishna Jones" changed so the "K" and the "r" of Krishna are more legible? Liking the grunge element, please give us some more examples to compare and contrast - very much the right track!
#57 is a little wide of the mark - can't really tell that they're guitar pegs from a distance, which is where the logo will mostly be viewed. Still love #45 - can you please do a few more variations on it experimenting with possibly eliminating the circle to make it more obviously guitar strings?
#45 is my favorite, #58 without circle. You can see the difference between entries before and after my proposal, I hope to make mine your favorite again
#45 is so close, but it looks a little too much like an American restaurant logo! Is there any way that you can try it without the guitar strings outside the circle? As well, try making the strings in #58 more like a musical staff (add a treble clef, or try repeat signs?)