Hello and thank you for the great rank you gave my designs. Let me know if you need any variations of them. Any comments are welcome. Regards Alexander
Would it be possible to do a couple more variations of # 59 with the silver band. Try a few more fonts. We like the font sitting side by side like #51. (Not bubble/Fancy Letters please/Or a heavy black outline) Thank you!
Yes better! We have an issue with some of the fonts still. They look more like KN rather than KW. Could we get a drop shadow on the letters as well? Could we see the next variations in blue? Thank you!
#67 Font is our fav so far. So take out the silver band and make the font larger. Could you put Kohls-Weelborg (with dash) Chevrolet of New Ulm on outside the Shield like on #49 and lets see how that looks please and thank you!