This is okay. "Marmon" is very faint and hard to see. My old company name was KJM Real Estate so I don't want the logo to say that, but KJ Marmon Real Estate is good.
The font is too feminine for me. Keep trying. Maybe having palm tree in back ground but not part of the "J". I might lean towards logos that say KJ Marmon Real Estate in them some how. A symbol of a house might be good too! Thanks Kromosom!
I love the new designs! I like how "KJ" is separate from "Marmon". Would you mind creating one that has my name but not "Real Estate", I'd like to see and compare both of those. Also, could you try a few mixing up the font in "KJ". I normally write my "J's" with a line across the top of the letter. Mabe the line on the top of the "J" could also be the floor of the house. Make sense? Thanks a lot I really like the new direction you have chosen. Best, KJ
Hi Kromosom, You are definitely in the lead! Everyone likes your logo the best, BUT there are somethings I need you to change. 1. Let's use "REAL ESTATE" under my name and not Beverly Hills. I sell all over Los Angeles. 2. Many people confuse my last name "Marmon" with the "Mormon" religion. I am not Mormon nor do I want people to think so. Everyone knows me by KJ. When people look at your logo all they see is "Marmon Real Estate". Can you make the "KJ" more prominent? 3. I like how you added the yellow, when you used the blue background. Once the contest is over I would love to have two images, one w/ the blue background and one w/ the white background. Please add an eliment of yellow to the logo w/ the white background if you can.
One way to make the "KJ" as prominent as the "Marmon" would probably to have them in the same font. I like it when my name appears to be all caps. I like the font you used in 32,33, but not 34.
Okay we're getting there. I have some friends and colleagues giving their input as well. We've decided we like just having one roof line in the logo like entry # 12. Also, can you put real estate at the bottom of the logo, align it to the far right, and have a "line" leading up to it like in entries #33 and #13 except align it to the right. If you want me to see two versions w/ the logo above and below my last name, I am certainly willing to look at them. The new entries make it easier to see my name "KJ" but the font is a little to feminine for me. I like the font to be more contemporary and masculine.
What happens if the contest ends and I like your submissions the best, but I still want them "tweaked" a little bit. Are we allowed contact each other outside of this site? Can you email me at