I like the bright colors. KCHS is plainly visible however KCHS has little meaning until they (target audience) has learned to associate it with KingCountyHomeSolutions. There for KingCountyHomeSolutions should be more plainly visible. In #3 it shows up better. The roof lines in that example are distracting but I don't want you to think the a house or roof line is undesireable.
#6 entry I like. It is going in the right direction for readability, impact, and easily identifying the brand. I the market where this is being used the word King has no refrence to royalty so the crown images will not be effective for the target audiences we work with. Keying on the "helping" or "northwest" for imaging would be more appropriate
I like your entry number 8 the best so far. I like new new ones as well. Can you do these with a seattle skyline? Or do the seattle skyline and incorporate Mount Rainier?
I would like to entry 8 with Seattle sktline on the left and Mt Rainier to the right side (not completely separated). This is one of my favorite's conceptually. I find entry 13 very appealing as well. It lacks balance between the image and the text however. It also needs to be able to fit into a web page header and onto emails and coorispondance. Try putting the image on the left with King County Home Solutions stacked onthe right?