Glad you like it. I'll send you monochromatic versions and put the phrase to a round logo. As for buying two logos, I suggest you to see with Logo Tournament stuff. I think it is possible.
We love this logo and the balance is good!
Can you add the phrase as well to the round logo?
And just for our image, could you give us black-white images?
We are sorry for asking you so many time but it seems the font is different.
Please make all the font in same as the word "KING" or "OFFICE LABELS".
Also we would like to have the catchy phrase on the below of our company name.
could you put the phrase below?
We may change but just want to know the image.
"Designing your performance"
Can we select you as a finalist and make any changes afterwards?
Sorry but one last request.
Please give us the image of the font all in one line.
Right now it is separated into 2
"KING" and "OFFICE LABELS" so please put "KING OFFICE LABELS" in one line.
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Can you add the phrase as well to the round logo?
And just for our image, could you give us black-white images?
We wanted to buy 2 logos, but what should we do?
Please make all the font in same as the word "KING" or "OFFICE LABELS".
Also we would like to have the catchy phrase on the below of our company name.
could you put the phrase below?
We may change but just want to know the image.
"Designing your performance"
Can we select you as a finalist and make any changes afterwards?
Sorry but one last request.
Please give us the image of the font all in one line.
Right now it is separated into 2
"KING" and "OFFICE LABELS" so please put "KING OFFICE LABELS" in one line.
Could you please
shorten the distance of font KING
1)Please make the font as same as the round logo
2) Shorten the distance of font KING
3)Change the logo design as same as the Round Logo (like blue/red) and no Red square.
1) the spell of GUARANTEED is wrong. please revise
2) Can you change the font more modern on "KING OFFICE LABELS" ?
3) We also need the Icon for our website and would like to have the logo at the left and Font on the right. Can you also make this?
We like this color and design and also the ribbon logo.
Could you please amend your design more like below?
1) Place the words, "100% Compatible" and "Satisfaction Guaranteed" some where surrounding.
2) Jagged (zigzag) design on the outer circle surrounding
3) Flat design