One more iteration request here. it’d be cool if the heart and i-dot were integrated. My final thought was like a wind of hearts where one is above the “i” and the penguin catches another and there are others spread out around the logo, so it’s like a stream of good moments.
hi :} thank you really happy with it love it
ive uploaded 3 new styles of font
all my fonts are exclusive meaning they are not available for free from any site it will be yours to keep
impossible to place heart over the i unless i make the penguin much bigger and that looks odd or make his arm really long
not nice either, maybe you like this i still prefer original as you can also use th penguin on its own as an iconic logo
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thank you so much
give me a few mins please
ive uploaded 3 new styles of font
all my fonts are exclusive meaning they are not available for free from any site it will be yours to keep
not nice either, maybe you like this i still prefer original as you can also use th penguin on its own as an iconic logo
i honestly think it has good depth and character without going full 3d as its sometimes impossible to print and very costly
ive just uploaded 4 revisions with a heart
kind regards
00fde8- teal
ff2a65- pink
1d2252- navy blue
i think you red my mind i just did a hummingbird
let me know what you think