#121,122,123 I find them a bit austere... Plus it's more yoga (which I love) but I teach mostly Pilates. So, I'd like something more general, with a sense of calm, movement, a little color too. One logo I really love is that of YOGAPHORIA (site www.yogaphoria.com). To me it has it all: sensible use of color, a design that is not too computerized, great fonts.
Thanx for the cosnstructive feedback, I have checked the linked given and came up with these new design ideas Hope you like this time Feedback appreciated Thanx
#165,166,169 Design speaking, I like them all. Only that 165,166 are too small and 169 too big. What I don't like are the fonts. I prefer fonts that are rather round shaped. Don't like the square shapes that much. Could you try something on a colored background? Something either opaque or like in #120 fading from the outside towards the center where the main design is. Yes, I think I'd love to see some colors... Thank you for helping me.
#232 This is interesting, please show it in the same background color as in #237 and make the letters bigger, I prefer your fonts in #135.165. For the K, please use some other colors, since blueish isn't really my favorite. I'd prefer it if the colors uased, match the colors of my studio: earthy green, brick red and butter-yellow.