Kid KahunaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Kid Kahuna

Kid Kahuna has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 46 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.






























Hi Baco, thank you for your entries! We really like the font on #14, colorful and evocative of sunset. Would love to see it with the tree trunks brown and the tree palms green. Same with #16. Would love to see another tropical element in here, too - maybe a rainbow or a wave of water? Although we kind of like adding the URL (we do own it) we think it might be better to add "Obstacle Course" instead. Not sure yet. Thanks again for your entries, they are great!!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thank you for the feedback. I will make some changes soon! Thanks

Best Regards,
12 years ago
Hi Baco. Your designs are looking really awesome. Thank you so much.

For entry #26 (currently ranked 1), could we suggest a couple of tweaks? We think it could be cool to try turning the area under the logo into an island, so that the inner circle is sandy brown, and the outer loop is still blue. Make sense? Then we think it might work better to remove the dot above the "i" in order to make a good space for the sponsor's logo. Finally we think it might work better to remove the four water splashes, but not sure about that.

For entry #27, we think it might work better to put "obstacle course" rather than the URL in the space beneath. Basically something like #29, but without the rainbow, and with the same yellow (rather than white like on #29) shadow on the lettering. We are feeling like the rainbow looks really cool and we appreciate you giving that a try, but it may be making the logo a little too busy overall. Also since we will need to co-brand this with our sponsor's logo, we are uncertain if the hard slant is going to work well and may react better to something that's horizontal, or at least almost horizontal.

Thanks again for your excellent entries! Great work!!!!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
changes for #32...
12 years ago
Hi Baco, thanks again for your awesome entries! We currently have you ranked in 1st place with #27. We think you would likely stay in 1st place if you would please try out a couple of tweaks, per our earlier note. We would like to see "Obstacle Course" rather than the website in the space beneath (centered please). Also, we think the slant is too hard to co-brand with our sponsor's horizontal logo in the space above, but we think a purely horizontal logo would not be as fun / exciting, so would just like to see the angle of the slant decrease, please. Maybe it's a 15 or 20 degree slant? Finally, would you be open to adding the line "Benefitting Austin Schools" underneath? With those tweaks, we think you've probably got it. Thanks Baco!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank, I will make these changes now and upload shortly...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#37 changes, I will try some more angles to see which one you like best. I will try different fonts for the austin schools, how are you with color on that? I will try some different colors on that also!...don't hesitate to ask for any changes. Thanks, Baco....
12 years ago
Hi Baco, thanks so much for being GREAT to work with. This is our first time, so please just say so if we are asking for too much.

#37 definitely getting closer! We still think we need to decrease the slant. FYI, here's a possible (very likely) corporate sponsor's logo:

Eventually we would want to set it right over the top of ours.

We like the font choice on "Benefitting Austin Schools" but think it should be tighter with the line above, and would like to see any other options you think might work re: color. Maybe it should have the same dark brown / black background as everything above, and be in some other color or the same color as "Kid Kahuna"?

Also, this may be a little nitpicky, so pleaser just say so if it is, but on the two "A"s in Kahuna, the openings in the middle seem slightly small, especially compared to the middle opening in the "D" in Kid. Anything that can be done there? Wouldn't want them much bigger, but just a little if possible.

FINALLY, it would be great to see another choice or two for the main color of "Kid Kahuna". We like this, but also liked the sunset effect you used on #26. We're also wondering if there is another color that would work particularly well with our potential corporate sponsor's logo's color. (But please DON'T post a version that includes the HEB logo publicly.)

Thanks again Baco!! GREAT work!!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#42 some changes, a little less slant, also made the a's openings a bit larger. Tightened up austin schools with a border. I am going to add some color to this and you can see how that looks. Please let me know what you need, I can't change things unless you tell me. Your not nitpicking at all, if I can't do something I will tell you!! I will try some different color combos also, thanks...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
by the way if you would like me to send you your sponsor and design together to your private email so you can see what that looks like let me know. I think it works well with this slant...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#43 color variations...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#44 color variation...
12 years ago
Hi again Baco. Thanks SO much, great stuff!! It would be GREAT to see our sponsor logo with the design to see how they fit design-wise and color-wise. You can email me at Please let me know if you need another version of the sponsor logo other than the one I sent you a link to earlier.

We are still liking #42, especially for the depth in the main font; we really like #43 too, but would probably prefer to go back to green for the palm (and perhaps green for the bottom line as well), and we really like #44 as well.

Thank you thank you!!

12 years ago
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