Asti, All of your entries look very good. Please do not withdraw any of them as we will have a meeting and will discuss them. Regarding #24 Can you make the "KEY International Shipping" larger? I like the line above the International Shipping.
#40 Could you take away the circle around the globe and make the globe just a bit bigger then the outside of the current circle? Also take away the shade under the globe. In addition, can you make "International Shipping" bigger, the words under each other like it is in #42?
#39 Could you take away the shade under the globe, and turn the globe so we can see Brazil? Also make "KEY International Shipping" letters bigger more modern like you have it in #40. The logo will also go on the business cards and we want to make sure people can read it easily. Thanks,
#28 Could you take away the shade under the globe and make "KEY International Shipping" much bigger, so it can be easily read on a business card? We like it that you have "KEY" big and "International Shipping" is incorporated to the right. Also, we like the idea of the figures surrounding the globe...are there other people figures that can be incorporated/substituted in there? Thanks,
#65 Looks GREAT! I like that the globe is so big. Could you only include one arrow pointing in a 45 degree angle from left to right? Also, Can you make the KEY only green color and the International Shipping only dark blue color? Thanks!
#66 Looks so much better with one arrow. Could you make the arrow just a little smaller? Also Could you make the KEY a little darker green. Any way we can make the "Shipping" stand out more maybe put Shopping in bold?
#67 I like it that SHIPPING stands out more. Could you please turn the globe so we can see South America because most of our customers are from Brazil. Any way to move the arrow a little bit lover and making it longer. See entry #58. Also, could you make KEY a little bit more darker green?
#79 Could you remove the grids (lines) that are in the globe? Could you move KEY INETRNATIONAL SHIPPING onto the side of the globe as it is in #101. We decided we want a style where the globe is on the left and the writing on the right.