It seems like your work is very pleasant. thank you for appreciating the design that I made ... maybe you are hard to decide which one is your choice, please choose a design that is suitable for you, if there is a request please let me know
Hello redcard Logo tournament designer we would like to first apologize for not talking to you about your logos.
Like the logo infers we are flight crew people and have both been flying during this tournament. I only just returned from London at 5pm central US time.
They only thing we ask as we have narrowed it down to two candidates is that we would like to see the submitted logos with a red background and a blue back ground.
We want this logo to stand out on Baggage tags as one option and possibly to build a the website around it also.
Thanks for your attention and we love your logos and thanks for all your hard work.
I like your logo and there are two of us with slightly different ideas that have too agree on the logo, I personally like this logo but it seems a bit heavy. maybe drop off the red out line and thin out the blue to make it look not so bold.
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It seems like your work is very pleasant. thank you for appreciating the design that I made ... maybe you are hard to decide which one is your choice, please choose a design that is suitable for you, if there is a request please let me know
Like the logo infers we are flight crew people and have both been flying during this tournament. I only just returned from London at 5pm central US time.
They only thing we ask as we have narrowed it down to two candidates is that we would like to see the submitted logos with a red background and a blue back ground.
We want this logo to stand out on Baggage tags as one option and possibly to build a the website around it also.
Thanks for your attention and we love your logos and thanks for all your hard work.