Your latest design, #158, is real sleek and simple. We are real pleased with some of the logos you are coming up with for us. You are seriously helping us!
Hey Xyan - you are doing a fantastic job with your design work. We would like to see a few modifications to your design.
1). We like your new design #279 but we want you to remove the grey line. 2) we would like the top of the design drop to be as high as the letter K and the bottom of the drop to be equal to the bottom of "& Co". 3) it would be great to see a few different fonts and variations of the blue in kempler. However, don't change the layout of Kempler & Co. That you used in 279.
Hello, at first I thought you got the wrong person since I'am Artoz, but the design number is mine so I assumed that the comment is for me. I'm OK for sure. Yes, I have updated the change for the #279. I'm working for another fonts for now.. Thanks Artoz
Hi Artoz, #306. Can you please make the image a little bigger or the font for Kempler a little smaller. The image just looks a little small next to Kempler. Also, for the work Kempler can you please fade the font color, similar to the way it is in the logo we have ranked #1. thank you!
Hi Artoz - Congratulations on being our #1 ranked designer. We would like to see a few more different designs.
1) We would like to see a few different font colors with the same current layout. 2) We would like to see a few different fonts with capital letters for the word "KEMPLER". 3) Also, can you make the current logo with the tear drop a little closer to the word Kempler?
Congratulations on being our #1 ranked winner. We would like to see a few more different designs.
1) We would like to see the "& Co." in a little darker font. Also, could you make the "& Co." in a few different fonts so we could see some different options? Thanks. 2) We would like for you to bring the droplet design closer to the letter "K' in Kempler. We think that the space may be a little wide between the droplet and the word Kempler. Thank you.
Dear CH, thanks for the feedback. I have made some update: 1) Updated the font color for the "& Co" to the little darker and some font variations, and 2) I have made the droplet a bit closer with the K in Kempler.