Kemo SabeLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Kemo Sabe Kemo Sabe has selected their winning logo design. For $575 they received 121 designs from 24 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by dasx Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #99 Withdrawn New #63 Withdrawn New #39 Withdrawn New #107 Withdrawn New #106 Withdrawn New #105 Withdrawn New #104 Withdrawn New #103 Withdrawn New #102 Withdrawn New #101 Withdrawn New #100 Withdrawn New #43 Discussion wendykunkle Client Could you somehow incorporate the name Kemo Sabe into the water? This is super original! Love the colors! 11 years ago dasx Logo Designer Yes, lots of work for me to do on this one. I would like to get to a simpler brand mark where hopefully I can get to the right balance between the buffalo skull and the canoe. Could also be a real buffalo head as well. Sill experimenting.will post updates.dave 11 years ago wendykunkle Client Really like the skull. Thanks! 11 years ago