#7 - I like the look of this one except that my name needs to be on top in different writing and the KLH needs to be LTD highlighting underneath Living The Dream so people understand that LTD stands for that.
#2 - I like the look as that as well and the same thing as #7 - I need the living the dream to be bigger with L T D capitalized so that people understand the realty company name is LTD Realty (without Realty next to it)
#10 - Love this look with the same feedback as above - I need the BIG letters to be below the name and changed to LTD with Living The Dream underneath it.
#3 - same thing as above - really like that look as well just want to see living the Dream changed to Living The Dream in bigger print.
This logo will be on all of my signs that I put in front of the homes I am selling so from a far distance I want it to really stand out and I am also going to use them for my business cards.
I would like to change the colors to A turquoise color with highlights of orange and maybe dark grey... The blue/green mix is throwing me off a little.
I will make revise on next 6 hours from now. Now I will make some simple concept, but maybe still wrong on your angle. don't worry, we can revise on next. cause, I will go today. and will back on afternoon. thanks for great rate!
and please give me a right angle / layout position. Now the layout is like this: __________________ KLH Kaye Lynn Huish Living The Dream __________________
Yes.... I just want to make sure that the L T D in Living The Dream is highlighted or needs to stand out as that is the name of the company. LTD Realty
Thank you for the changes as it is really necessary
I don't necessarily need to have KLH in the Logo??? It could even be my name on top with the letters LTD below in the ITALICIZED letters with Living The Dream below.... I hope this makes sense.
My kids really like the look of these logos with the exception that I have to display LTD Realty (smaller if you like), the L in Living, the T in The and D in Dream need to stand out somehow. And.... I really need my name in there as well since I am the agent.
I like Orange, the blue in the Google logo and a brighter green as well.
#21 has the majority of the components I need except my name isn't in there anywhere :). Also, I am going with three different colors, orange, turquoise blue and a vibrant green. Your logos are great and you have a nice look, just if you can change the colors and a slight modification with my name that would really support what I am looking for. In 21 I like the font you chose for Living The Dream because the LTD stands out and it looks more "dreamy".