love these. simple and so cute! Maybe inside the peace sign could be 2 little kids in tree pose or smiling faces..... The image with the "tree pose" is adorable too..could it be a younger looking child holding a peace sign..?? Thank you!!
do you think #17 is too wordy? I am trying to make it so people know what it is we do? I like it. Could you move the wording around so that the word Yoga is on top? Also, could we add a cute kid sitting against the "z" with a huge smile!? you are terrific! I love your work.
Thank you! Im very happy working on this, its very inspiring.
I made a better option of #17, is entry #18. Im working on the kid that will be near the "z", do you want him in a yoga position? maybe with his arms holding his legs against his chest, Do you like the style of the drawings? I can draw a more detail kid, just ask for it :)
i really like your style of this. you capture exactly what I am looking for! I love the kid holding the peace sing on top of the Z. Do you think all the wording around the peace sign is too much for a logo? I like #13 is great too, maybe with the kid on top of the Z at the end holding the peace sign and hte hearts for the "i"..... Thanks so much!
The words "YOGA FITNESS MUSIC IMAGINATION CREATIVITY FUN" are a great (i like them better than "keeping little minds and bodies active" because i understand inmiediatly what is about, better than "keeping..." that is a more an abstract slogan) But you dont need to make a choice, you can use both as a part of your image identity in diferent ocasions.
ok..i think that wording is too much. Still love #32, but how about the bullet points in between the words are blue, like in the new one you did so it shows up more. I like the new smile too! Thanks!!
#40 and #41, i was thinking, that maybe imagination and creativity can be just creativity (because creativity is the result of imagination + thinking). Then we can make the letters bigger: #42
so #37 and more idea then I will pick! One of yours of course!...haha. what about: active bodies, creative minds (on the top of the circle on #42 and yoga, fitness, music, fun on the bottom.) yoga, fitness, music, fun
I like a lot both, #48 and #49 or #51, my only concern is that the kid making the K be easy to read, im getting feedback from another designer friend and he is telling me about this issue, thats why i want you to have the other option too :D
i feel "yoga, fitness, music, fun" is a very complete tagline :) But you dont need to make a choice, you can use both taglines or one, depends of the ocasion :D
Active bodies and creative minds is an awesome tagline that parents will appreciate for the good feeling that it gives.
when you send them to me...will you send one with both taglines and one with just the yoga fitness......?? what format do you give them to me in? I know the kid in the K is kind of hard to see, but I kinda like that...kinda edgy and cool. Do you have your own design co?? you are awesome! what part of mexico are you in? My sister lives in Tulum.