#14 i like your concept I like the cover I think that the shapes of mountains might be a bit more abstract similar to the the formations that exist at the top of the tepuis look at the photo attached, photos of the tepuis on my web congrats!
Thank you for the feedback. #16 has a table top mountain. #18 is a more abstract version of it. #19 shows water based adventure as well as mountaineering.
#18 its abstract but does not represent the rocks of which I speak look at the photo attached tell me if you can not see it. #19 i like way more this new concept but if only the mountains could be abstract shapes of rocks put in google images rock formations in the Kukenan or look at the photo attached tell if you nedd more material for inspiration
#25 and #26 I like ´m both but I prefer it with capital letters, i like the abstract element i'm thinking about some improvement to make but you are in the ranking. thanks!
#28 so far you are the man of the contest you understand the concept i like it. Perhaps you can think in a differently shape of the rock just for improve. thanks again.
i like the concepts of the #26 the abstract image in the circle I like that maybe you could try another abstract image that represents a natural thing.
#44 this is the concept but if you can change again the shape of the rock this one looks like a naute saile whit the water updown. its a powerfull idea. Thanks!
#50 blaine´s i think its better without the water below like this one but I think you should find a way to integrate more the rock with the letter k, what do you think? thanks
I meant by the concept of the #50 whit blue background and the bizarre rock shaped attached to the k if you can do something by the moment ill try to make an extension of the time if i can Thanks blaine
Hello. There is no need to extend the time. After this period is over, there will be a further 3 days for the top 5 entries to make modifications. I will work on the latest revision.
Congratulations Blaine you are in the top 5 for your work and potential to be the winner of this contest.
I need you to pay close attention to the blue background of my page the logo has to highlight with his colors
#26 I would like to taste it with the colors: the circular line surrounding the abstract image with the color of the #25 version. Also make a test wiht the circle line in red. I also like the #28 concept if you can make something whit it like i told you, a bizarre rock that can be an icon and that looks good wiht the "K"
If its possible I would like that the logo have a small detail in red anywhere that may looks good, this detail doesnt have to notice that much. It is to give strength, passion and balance. just a small line, a shadow or a dot give it the power.
I have high expectations in this phase, i appreciate your constancy, feel free to experiment with your creativity i just make suggestions. Follow the path of your heart.
Blaine you are in the top i need you to make some changes or some variations whit your style use you creativity and do it whit your heard i trust in you! thanks
I will like to try the concept #125 with the abstract mountain image in green and the same typography of the #160 including the river in the v letter, thaks!
#172 #173 two new designs. This is my 35th entry in this contest. I believe the limit is 35 for each designer. So I've had to withdraw a few of my older unranked entries to allow new ones in.
#177 #178 The design has both mountains and rivers to indicate a wider range of services and adventures offered. The images of mountains and rivers are not overpowering so as to make the main text stand out. The logo can be tweaked more if required. Thank you