Number 119 continues to be your best option we really like it can you give me that option with the word consultores smaller than katimi, and also can you do some colors effects in the letters and logo like color degradation or shadows for example,
Hi edwin entry 148 i like it a lot it is being the best can i see how it looks the line that is between katimi and consultores if you can put it vertical between the letters and logos like entry 119
Hi edwin we are in the final phase of the tournament and the entry 119 continues to the best, we only like to see another 2 options, one option is if Katimi can be with bold letters and Consultores without bold letters.
The other option is, Katimi in bold with a font 2 points bigger than Consultores (without bold), But not like option 148, we want to keep katimi to be shorter as consultores like entry 119
Edwin, I think the final winner will be number 155, but I just want to know how it looks a combination of letters,
In entry 155 the word Katimi and the logo stays the same, the only different is we want to change the font of the word consultores as it appers in entry 167.