Thank you for these great logos! Here's some feedback which might help clarify what I'm looking for.
Entry #1 - I like the font, simplicity, and splash of hot pink color. It took me too long to figure out the K was the stem of a flower w the petals ripped off. I like that this logo translates well to small sizes for twitter and Facebook. I think it would be easily readable even if it's a thumbnail size which is important. I think if we were to go with the "he loves me, he loves me not" concept, the flower would have to be separate from "Kate's Dates" and "he loves me.." would have to be incorporated into the logo in a much smaller font.
Entry #2 - love the concept with all the guys hiding behind the letters. My concern is that it's too busy and the "Kate's" portion of the logo is not going to be readable at smaller sizes.
thanks for the feedback... I had the same concern about the flower... and understand about the odd guys... will work on it more later maybe - I am traveling just now and doing things for this between going to Indian Market in Santa Fe - maybe there will be some inspiring art I see today for you.
I love the way you re-did the "He Loves Me" concept in #9... the only problem is that the logo is almost too pretty and too nice for the feel of "Kate's Dates." Is there a way to play with the font to make it more along the lines of "He loves me not..." and mischievous and snarky since Kate's Dates is about dating disasters and horror stories.
back now - Thanks for sending the link... you are funny! glad I am not single! ha! will think how to better reflect this. the animals were a long shot ... and I thought to put in an octopus too.