I like the half-circle from the yin-yang - nice touch! For me, the dog would need to have flop-ears rather than prick-ears. Kaizen was a golden retriever. Could the dog and cat be touching noses? I specialize in helping dogs and cats get along together in the household. Thank you for your submission!
Sorry - I am just getting the hang of this site. My comments about the half-circle and flop-eared dog refer to Entry #2.
For Entry #5, again, I like the half-circle idea, but paw prints are a little overused in the pet industry, so I would rather go with the outlines of the animals to stand out. I am going for a stylish and/or professional look rather than cute. But I appreciate you are trying out several concepts with the half-circle idea!
Entry #3 - I like the inclusion of the two pet heads and the fact they are looking at each other. I would prefer the eyebrows on the dog be higher (maybe?) or less pronounced -- at present, it looks like the dog is eyeing the cat with bad intent. I tend to like medallion type logos better, but I appreciate your giving me something different to compare.
Entry #4 - This is a good concept, but is used repeatedly in many logos (especially for veterinary clinics), so I don't think it will work for me. Thanks for providing different looks -- that is very helpful.
Here is the simple lines with a golden retriever...and their noses touching I can add more detail...change up the lines some...there are so many possibilities with this one.
#63 #64 Here are two different turquoise...if these are the correct hues you are wanting I can try some more...but let me know if you want more green hues in the color.
Just one added comment....my philosophy while considering all elements of design is strength is in simple designs for quick, long term branding association and clear visibility in all print and media applications.