Entry #14 - I really like the blue half-circle and the sun; they seem to imply happy outcomes! Nice.
For me, the dog and cat need to be a bit more present - perhaps filled in with color (orange/gold for dog, blue/purple for cat)? And, if possible, the pets could be (a) a bit thinner and (b) a bit more stylized.
Overall, I like it!! Thank you for your submissions.
For Entry #15: The green with the turquoise, the white cat and greyish dog leave the logo feeling a bit cold to me. I don't really care for the grey dots/lines feature. It doesn't represent anything to me, but distracts a bit from the name. The placement of the pets doesn't seem to highlight them as most important, and the white sun is also distracting in this one. Going with my "gut reaction", #14 made me smile right away, #15 didn't make me feel anything personal.
#16 - I love the interaction between the dog and cat. My suggestion would be to include a graphic along those lines into #14, making the cat a blue/purple and the dog orange/yellow. I would like to see the dog look more like a golden and less like a shepherd mix. It is very exciting to have someone listen and respond so quickly. Thank you!
Entry #18 - I like the stylized quality of the animals, the implication of movement, and the inclusion of a sun. Again, I favor a relaxed looking golden retriever, so the "speed" of the movement doesn't need to be as strong. (And, a dashing cat is more related to fear than calm, which I am hoping to project.)