Hi, my email is jkarp.jk@gmail.com Thanks for your creative work on this. Can I get the files for this design #134, and #133. I need them to have a blank background though so that #134 could work over a black back ground and also on a clear back ground like a window. For #133 needs to work on a white back ground or a clear window like back ground. Does that make sense? Thank you!
Hi, very thanks for choosing my design!
I has been to uploaded the final file , please check it and approve.
because LT only allows me upload the final file included: a vector EPS file and a JPG file, If you need other format please let me know your email, I will send to you via email. thanks!
Your design is still jumping out as the front runner. We like the font color of the "K5" in your first design #14, could you put that color on this one? Also, can you raise the lines on both sides of "INC" so they are centered vertically on the "INC''? Last question, it is important to us that the logo will work on white and black back grounds. If selected as the winner can we get the files with "homes, inc, and house windows" in both black and white? Or is there another color that will look good but works with both black and white? Thanks!
This is really nice what you have done here! Could we experiment with the dark colors a bit so that they would show up nicely on a black background? Also, could you put the "Inc." below "Homes" with a line on each side of inc? -------INC-------. Thanks!
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I has been to uploaded the final file , please check it and approve.
because LT only allows me upload the final file included: a vector EPS file and a JPG file, If you need other format please let me know your email, I will send to you via email. thanks!
Thanks so much!
please preview #74 , #75