#16 This is really nice! I don't want color to make the box outside of design. Looks awkward on letterhead. I would like to see this in script like #3.
#28 Love! Could you make "invites" the same color as "Just" and put outside dots same orange as flower please. I would also like to see it words all green and then all purple with just flower being orange.
#70,7,72...I love the flower and font in this logo! I am not sure I want a frame around it though as I feel it would be limiting. I like the one color font with flower. I also love the touch of orange! :)
#73 comparing to #3....I love #3 but don't like the yellow colorbox as stated before as I feel it would be awkward in a letterhead. (But I do love the color of the box!) #73 with the lines seems to take away from the the original style...any ideas that would give #73 the same feel with out the color box or framing?