Hi Brendan, I just got off the phone with my marketing manager with Nexstar. He was very impressed with the logo and where we are with it already. We both love the swish and the movement and contemorary feel. His point was to make the clock more interesting with either color or a more modern clock idea. I wonder how is would look if you made just the 4 dots (3,6,9,12) and added some color and maybe interesting hands. (hand tips a house and a building - to show residential and commercial.) Either way the snow flakes seem bunched up over the lower number and it could be that the snow flakes just need to be spread out a bit. If the 'J' in Just In Time was raised and at the arrow tip it would give you more room for a more clear font for the 'Air Conditioning' and 'Refrigeration' because the font on theose words is hard to read. We spoke a lot about the font and color of Just In Time portion and he suggested a different sceme with all light blue or all dark blue. What do you think? Is that do-able?