I love the picture in entry #2, can we brighten up the colors with lighter purple/green? Also I would like the words to be in a semi circle shape around the picture. Looks awesome!
Thank you for the revisions..for entry #5 can you make the picture look less faded and use a brighter green and make the bigger heart colors blue/green and smaller heart pink/purple. Also in the same logo entry #5 can you try putting Jupiter on top with bigger letters and Family Chiropractic on bottom, lets try one out with the rounded shape and one straight letters. The words can stay black. Great work!
Actually for entry #5 can you keep the colors for the big heart green/purple, and smaller heart blue/pink but just make the picture look less faded..and brighter colors (similar to the colors used in entry #10 if that is possible) Also lets try it with the words straight and one with the words rounded...thank you
One last feedback and then I think it will be perfect...Keep the colors the same in Entry #28, add the Jupiter on top like in entry #25 keeping capital "J" and rest of the letters smaller how it is, just make the whole word slightly smaller. Then keep Family Chiropractic straight on the bottom but on 2 different lines, Family on top and Chiropractic on bottom, slightly bigger letters. Thank you!
hey there, you are doing an awesome job. I like the size of the letters in entry #63 and 64..can we try that size with the colors in entry #61 and #32? Thanks so much, they are all so good it is hard decide
I think it looks perfect. Just for the sake of it, can we try entry #76 with the words Family Chiropractic straight? After that, I think we have a winner. Thank you so much for all your revisions!!
I'm really sorry I loved your design but I am in love with my current #1 ranked logo. Thank you for all of your time and effort, I really appreciate it!
thanks for the new concept...not a lot of my friends liked the heart with the hands picture..I know you worked hard on it and kept changing it so I'm sorry to put you through that.