Hi Jonas, I'm still trying to figure out what questions I should ask you so I can figure out what direction to take. Could you tell me the inspiration of the name Jumpia? It's the word jump with...? If you could share some additional words of inspiration that describes your business in more detail that would be of help. Do you have any ideas you'd like to explore? What type of font do you like? Things you don't like? any descriptive words are helpful. Have you seen any designs online you particularly like the look and feel of? Who are your competitors in the business? Thank you.
Thanks for your input , Jumpia , was created kind of in the .com way to find something where I could find a free domain name close to Jump. After a while I started to see it like a "place" the place Jumpia , where you go to find Sports stuff and then especially jump ropes. So the way I see it jump ropes is one of the most cost efficient intense training methods and in Jumpias case the ambassador for the brand. Competitors could be basically any other sport brand , but of course there is not really a jump rope brand in that sense :)
With a little bit of luck and bottom up marketing maybe some people will start liking the jump ropes and then buy additional sport apparel , all having a nicely branded Logo on it coming from the place Jumpia.
are you looking for a stand alone icon with the jumping rope guy separate from the name? Different font?I would love to explore further and your feedback is important as guidance.
Hi , I think i view your Logo as being a nice combination , but also with the opportunity to break out the jumping rope guy standalone.
Right now I think the jump rope guys design fits nicely with the font , so I think a change would have to include both guy and rope. Im not sure if it would look better but in case you find a new nice combination Im of course very interested to see :)
thanks Vidi , I like the "green" or maybe other color jump rope , and it becomes even clearer that the guy can be an icon , but the black "swoosh" over the green jumprope it is slightly more complicated for me , but one part of me miss that he is not in the U , ... also getting late here kind regards///Jonas
Hi, Sorry I meant the colored Jump rope under the jumping guy #83 , would it still be possible to distinguish it from the font if it would be black , kind regards ///Jonas