JumpiaLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Jumpia Jumpia has selected their winning logo design. For $351 they received 173 designs from 25 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by elemental.studio Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 3rd #74 Withdrawn New #165 Withdrawn New #159 Withdrawn New #158 Withdrawn New #116 Withdrawn New #115 Withdrawn New #78 Withdrawn New #77 Withdrawn New #75 Withdrawn New #60 Withdrawn New #59 Withdrawn New #5 Withdrawn New #4 Withdrawn New #3 Discussion jumpia Client Thank you , I like your idea of keeping it simple.I think some further variations can be helpful and focusing on creating "the" iconic feeling.kind regards///Jonas 11 years ago jumpia Client I definitely like #60 , if you should have any more ideas around it or thoughts Im of course interestedkind regards///Jonas 11 years ago elemental.studio Logo Designer Hi Jonas,thanks for the comments. Right now I am not sure what to make to this logo proposal, maybe I will try another approach?. I really like how it is looking. I uploaded a couple color variations (b/w and bright blue) #74 and #75 11 years ago jumpia Client Thanks , appreciate it , Can I ask if you break out the J "guy" as stand alone symbol , icon , would you keep the full J figure or leave the part underscoring umpia out ? 11 years ago elemental.studio Logo Designer for the icon square proportions is better to leave it out 11 years ago jumpia Client Thanks, agree with you , kind regards ///Jonas 11 years ago jumpia Client Hi NimaVisualI really like #74 , If you would like to complement with some really nice color thoughts , as I outlined in the general feedback description I would really appreciate it.kind regards///Jonas 11 years ago elemental.studio Logo Designer #159 just a step back to the more simple solution, though I like it with the head too. 11 years ago jumpia Client Thanks NimaVisual ,Really appreciated you showing the variations , right now , I have invited some friends with the email function to get a second and third opinion and so on ...kind regards///Jonas 11 years ago