Hi Visartes. I entered your design #240 as the winning design. Can you please include the #'s for the Pantone colors. Vector files. We will be using this logo for as well as website and printing needs including cards, brochures, large fair banner, we will be having a branding iron made up as well. So can you please include all the approp files and sizes. This is your expertise, bu I need to defer to your help on this. Thank you for the great design.
Hi. So I understand this is in a vector format. Is the color system you use Pantone? Will there be both CMYK and RGB files. I haven't done this before and we need to use the logo for website, smart phones, business cards, brochures, big booth banners. Thanks. I believe we have finally decided on your design #240.
Hi Visartes, for some reason your font is just a little smaller than everyone else. We do like this design....alot. Could you change the change the circle and D to a brown and the J in the circle to Black. thanks
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Yes, of course - I can provide you any logo file you need with color values in Pantone, CMYK and RGB.
I've just uploaded revisions. Please let me know if you would like to see more.
Best regards
I'll upload revisions very soon.
Kindly regards