I like your style. #11 is close to what I'm looking for, although I would like the word "Juicy" to be more Japanese style as you will see in the attached file I uploaded called "Tenji". I like that the word Brew is bold and the difference between the two is what I'm looking to represent my multicultural background.
I would prefer some different color choices..asian preferably, warm colors, perhaps plum and grey, gold.
I would not rule out also including a "JB" logo as in #12, but I would like the "J" to be the japanese style calligraphy and "B" to be more regular font.
Sorry, also, I think I would prefer something different than the curly-q with petals at the end. Perhaps something more asian (cherry blossom? bamboo?) or nothing at all.
I really like your latest entry #43. I like the colors but assume they can be tweaked later; I wonder if perhaps there are a few more asian elements you could introduce? Perhaps to replace the fleur over the "i"?
I like #49 with the new shape of sakura. The colors may be a little feminine overall but that can be addressed later. My biggest concern is that the j doesn't really stand out, and I'm thinking I would like to have some swag with an abbreviated "J Brew"..possibly anyway. I'd like the J to be recognizable from the parent logo. Perhaps it should at least be upper case.
Thanks for the fast update. I'm not sure how I feel about the Brew block lettering..I like the painted, bold look, but if you could provide some alternates I would appreciate it. I definitely like the color scheme in #67.
Also, as I look at the flower in #58, I like it better, but it has started to look a little more like a plumeria..this isn't necessarily a bad thing, since I'm in Hawaii, but I'd like to get a little more cherry blossom look if possible.
I like #81 in that the j and brew are the same color. You get what I'm going to do from an abbreviation standpoint. My only concern is that the flowers and petals don't quite match the color scheme; I like the colors of #67, so maybe these two together?
I understand about the flower on the i. Too bad, as it would be neat to see the sakura branch flower over and "dot the i" on #86.
hi, check my revision design, now it's even better, as it looks like the essence from the sakura flower branch is gathering into a drop of juice that forms the juice text :)
I like the warm autumn colors in #104, as it appeals to the Japanese "momiji"..my only concern is that's it's a little "reggae." I like the more subtle sakura in #103 as well.
I noticed you withdrew the sakura forming the droplet/juice..l liked the concept a lot, not sure if you'll pursue it. It was just a little busy with all the branches and flowers.
BTW, I certainly hope no offense taken by my paring down my choices by placing some in the non-interesting box. All your efforts have been appreciated. It just helps me focus on my more realistic choices as the open phase is nearing its end.
I like the color gradation of #118 and also realize I like the multiple flowers in #119.
I will be uploading a picture of classic sakura (it's hanging in my office door) which shows some of the inner flower detail that sets it apart from a plumeria, for example.
Also, 6 is an important family number for me, so if you could get 6 flowers in (two parents and four kids) on each of the designs that would be great. That can be fine tuned later I suppose, but just a heads up.
just want to tell you that the petals (that are different colors) are representing the flavors and i also think that too many details will look bad for a business-card/ or when it will be printed in a smaller size.
Thanks for the additional submissions. I don't care for the juicy lettering as much and, as mentioned, I would prefer 6 flowers if possible. I do like the change in lettering with BREW in 147, but overall prefer your earlier submissions. I do like the idea of looking at totally different concepts while I can though!
i don't know what u mean with i don't care about the lettering???? -it's the main feature it will be around every marketing material/ Facebook icon / website favicon icon / menu deisgn / etc...
I meant that I didn't care for the lettering with your newest submissions, which you've withdrawn, not I don't care "about" the lettering. Of course I care about the lettering.
I like the newest flowers in #151, but you have me thinking about print..how will those hold up, being lighter?
they will print ok, about the colors now, we need to pick colors that it will look the same on both screens (web and print) so what you see on the screen you will see on paper. - this will be part of the branding
#78 is climbing its way back up. There are a couple people who really like it..you had some earlier submissions with different coloring (I like the purple and whatnot) and I understand the issue with the flower dotting the "i" (is that still an issue at this phase?), so if I could see some of those earlier ones that would be helpful. Thanks.
I would like to see the flowers in #149 replace those in #151 at some point in the judging phase. I'll also hope to see some if the earlier versions of the #78 logo as mentioned above.
Thanks for the revisions and submission. I like the distinctive "J" in 185 but would prefer that the "i" be either dotted with the flower (not sure how the contest rules from earlier apply at this phase) or dotted regularly. In #185 the i is neither dotted with or without the flower.
Thank you very much for your hard work. As you've noticed I picked a different winner, but wanted to acknowlege you personally. I appreciate your talents.