No tagline get rid of $ use block chain symbol (four squares (Google it)) or J or a Hebrew letter (there are a few Hebrew letters that could work there maybe like the aleph א maybe.
It’s a little boring but not bad. We want people to be like wow! Get rid of the taglines love the symmetry. I think using 2 colors might help make it less boring.
Maybe look up the symbol for the block chain which is four squares and combine that with the Jewish star? The Jewish star should be symmetrical. Drop the tagline from the logo please.
So my friend says no dollar signs because that represents old school money. Look up the black chain symbol which is 4 squares for inspiration maybe. A menorah or Jewish star maybe in the middle with a box or 4 boxes for the black chain maybe on top. Also not a fan of that hue of blue with that gold. You can drop the tag line and just focus on the symbol and the words. JudeoCoin is one word. Thanks
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