Thank you Rafa17 for your hard work. I really like Entry #10 how you fuse the J and the M together. Can you do that logo without the leaf at the end. By the way, I will be unavailable for about 24 hours. I will come back after 7 pm ET on Saturday.
Good Day Rafa17. We really like entry #47. The one thing we would like to see is a more definitive J. When I first look at it, I see the M clearly but if I didn't read JubiMax I wouldn't have caught the J.
I just had my business partner to look at the logos. We really love the look and versatility of your logo. We would like to try a couple of things:
1. Could you give entry #63 a 3dish look
2. My partner loves the text. He would like to see what it would look like if you did a logo with just text... A large J for the Jubi and a large M for the Max.