Thanks for such amazing creativity. I haven't rated entry #92 yet, but I really like it. I would like to see what that looks like on a white background.
Hello! Thank you for your feedback and appreciation. I`m really honored. I`ve just submitted the revised version #104 for entry #92 Comments are welcome. All the best.
My business partner and his wife have fallen in love with entry #93. It is being moved to our top logo.
Can you please do a couple of modifications just so we can see if we want anything different.
1. Keep the logo as is but let's experiment with lines underneath the JubiMax. We want to have other product brands that we use. For instance, JubiMax Thin for our wellness product. We would want the Thin to be under our JubiMax logo.
If you would look at the following entries, you'll see a couple of line variations that you can experiment with. Entries 87 and 95.
Your logo is very professional so we want to keep it professional. You may also want to experiment with the dots that you have above JubiMax and see what it looks like below.
2. We would like you to experiment with colors also. We'd like to see a what it would look like with green, purple, any combinations or even the colors you have in the dots above JubiMax.
I also like how you faded the Jubi and Max on entry 104. Once you do the lines, I would like to see the lines with a faded look like in 104 and the lines without a faded look.
I am ending the contest earlier as you will be our winner. Congratulations. I hope this not against logotournament's policies, but I would like to know other services that you offer. Plus we may need some variations of this logo for future purposes. If you can connect with me via my email address below, I would appreciate it.
Best Regards,
T. Le Mont Silver, Sr.