I like #5 the best. I like the o as the guitar sound hole. I also liked the way J becomes the body of the guitar along with the music notes in the H. However, I felt the font was a little too whimsical and reminiscent of Disney or Hallmark
I liked #37, but the vertical positioning on the H felt weird. I'd still like to keep the music notes there. Or, perhaps underlining the name (or really what you think is best) to sort of balance the weight from the left side. I feel like the logo is a little heavy on the left without any balance on the right. I also would like to see a thicker font for comparison, but I like both the script and sans-serif so I guess I want some variations to compare with.
I like the lines and the thicker font you used in #45. however, I actually think I'm liking the unembellished H the best (which is why I kept #36). However, I would like to try and accent the H somehow, perhaps by making it a tad larger than the other letters.