Hi, we really like #27 and #28. Is it possible to change the Bowl Trimming from red to Blue? And to also remove the green shadowing from underneath the bowl? Thank You.
Hi, Thank you for the revisions. We really like #32. We would be putting the logo on some windows as well as on menus and cards, do you think the white of the bowl will be visible. Can we play with some color variations? And is there a different color Green that can be used on the Chinese characters and Bamboo?
Thank you so much for the revisions! We like that you used a Bamboo for the I in Sing, but I think the font style throws me off, can you play around with other fonts? and maybe different types of bowls?
Hi, Thank you for the new entries! I like the new bowl in # 72 and the font and colors in # 71. Can you input the new bowl from #72 and put it into # 71 and angle the chopsticks up into the words like in #32?
Hello. Sorry, but we just found out that blue is not a good luck color for a logo. Can you change #81 to a red bowl like #38. Can you change the font to something that is not so long (tall and skinny)? I know that you have played with different color greens in other entries; can you try it again? The res and that color green just look to much like Christmas. I want to not look like Christmas. Thank you
Hi.Thank you for your changes in #86. can you make another logo using the font in #72 to compare. Is it possible to get a different shade of green? The one in #86 looks too grey. Thank you