? You have made (3) logos "Jonsvann" Can you please uploud the logo without background color. I will chose this one.
Another question:
My firm Falk Nordic AS is in the privat label business in Norway and one of our consept is to make wine labol for businesses. At this time of year we have more jobs than we can handle and I wonder if you could be interested in designing labels for us to our customers. You can look into our site
http://www.Falknordic.no for to see what we are doing. If we comes to an agreement we would send you the format, logos and pictures for the creation. You send us back something we can show to our customer and if he accept and we can use it you can bill us the amount for the design. Hope to here from you soon if this could be something you could be interested in.
Best regards
Stein Falk-Larssen
mob: +47 91144808