Jonelle DeMarco PhotographyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Jonelle DeMarco Photography

Jonelle DeMarco Photography has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 229 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
My entry #24 is an original can be a placement for your signature as well.

As your contest progresses it might be that many of your entries will have a red background since the sample you sent has may want to let the designers know specific colors that you want to see.

Any input is appreciated.

Thank you,
12 years ago
It is fine whatever color is put as a background. I can see what it will look like on a color. Thank you for the suggestions. I like #18 but can I see some other options for the center? Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your input....
I will work on that for you
12 years ago
Maybe a tree in the middle? Most of my business is capturing life experiences. weddings, pregnancy, newborns etc. I am hoping to expell a fun and exciting vibe.
12 years ago
#64 this is beautiful. This is definatly more along the line of what I like!
12 years ago
#56 I really like how the trunk underlines the name a bit. I am not sure how I feel about the leaves on the tree though, it is pretty but maybe too simple?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#65 Is your initials and the D is a stylized leaf...

I will brainstorm some more based on your notes.

Thank you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#72 more like a watermark and If you like I can add more fourishes...
12 years ago
Yes that is perfect as it will double as my logo on the website and watermark. Yes, Id like to see it with a bit more, thank you!
12 years ago
In #64 can I see what it would look like with the butterfly in color?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Just a note...
you may interchange any elements in any of my is colors, illustrations, flourishes etc..
If you see any elements in one that you want to combine in another I can do that for you...

Also #73 colors are all of the same hue pantone colors...and can be a watermark as well in any one color with screened color on the lighter lines.

Thank you!
12 years ago
Oh perfect thank you for the help!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are some color selections on the butterfly as you requested...not sure which direction to you have a favorite color?
Also I will work on adding a few more flourishes for the watermark

I need to leave and will check back later or in the morning.

Thank you and have a good evening
12 years ago
Well my favorite color is green but I dont think that would go well.

Also if you look at the website again on the right there is a color pallette to choose from I believe I am going with the first box in the very last row. It is a mix of gray and blue. Maybe that will help with the colors....
12 years ago
#64 Can I see a replacement for the butterfly? Maybe a cute little owl?
12 years ago
#82 I was thinking an owl more like a cartoon, here is something I thought was really cute

#83 I really like that tree and the little birds add a great touch.

I don't know if you were able to take a look at the website and the color I referenced that would be the banner color, but when you do if you could let me know what you think about how the tree and something like the owl would look that would be great!! Thank you so much for your help!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I modified the owl and illustrated this version....yes they are really cute!
I looked at the website...not sure of the placement of your logo is it where WordPress' is placed?

as far as colors for the website they may be interchanged at any point to go with any application or background color. For the layout you definitely need a horizontal format for this banner...and if the background is dark gray you can have your name 'white' and the additions a slate gray as only one possibliity.

Your welcome!!! It is a fun contest!!

12 years ago
Logo Designer

you're welcome!! :-)
12 years ago
The owl is perfect! This is getting really hard! :)

The logo will go where it says 'acoustic' on the site.

I attached a few more images to the breif. There is one with a camera that I would love to see your take on! Let me know what you think. Thank you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I saw the camera one...but hesitated to take it on because I didn't want to copy the concept since t is very unique...
but will think about how I could do a 'new' concept version.

Thank you!
12 years ago
I understand, I would love to see what you can do! :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#97 I decided to do a camera lens with the same flourish..even looks like a jd
12 years ago
#97 I like this, but im not sure that people will know that it is a lens....

Also I was thinking I really like the idea of depicting a family in the logo. So in #83 do you think that we can show a sence of family somehow with the birds? And #87 do you think that it would look to crowded to add maybe a baby owl?

#72 do you think something could be added here that would give a family feel?
12 years ago
Or what do you think about a camera with flourishes around it instead on in it like the example?

I am struggling with two themes that I like. I feel like I should be literal with the logo to show what I do, ie the camera. But I also love the tree and the owl but dont want people to think I shoot scenery.... suggestions?

Anything would be helpful!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I would guess when I saw your suggestions and what you are liking in the designs that it speaks of a 'free spirit'

The tree suggests 'life' and can be anything within life..
When you asked for the owl it seems to state an alertness and because you specify in your tag line 'Photography' the eyes of the owl automatically bring to mind camera lenses...which I didn't see at first.

I appreciate your ranking on my designs!! But remember that when you finalize your contest the top 3 positions only must be 3 different designers.

I personally believe you can go either is your call...but cameras for a photographer sometimes are generic and going in another direction will prompt the visual memory to set you apart from the rest.

It may seem like a lot to consider for your final decision but you will know by your own creative gift what you need and what says 'you'
12 years ago
I really appreciate your interpretation! it helps a lot with the decision process.

Thank you I was under the impression the rankings were to show other designers the route I wanted to take with the logo. Thank you again for that.

Thank you again!!
12 years ago
Can I see the owl from #87 on #72?

I think I am going to stay away from the camera, as you said it is very common :)
12 years ago
Also can we put #83 on the baackground color from my website so I can see how that will look? Thank you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I will work on these for you and will have them in about an hour.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm uploading a couple of more color backgrounds....I hope it doesn't make it harder on your...but
remember that your logo may be adjusted if you ever need that.
The colors on the website will be different than what are used by professional printers.

Thank you for the's been fun!!
12 years ago
The reason I asked I'd I worry that the tree will be hard to see with the color background on the website. Take a look at and that is the gray color that the logo will be on. Any input is appreciated thank you!
12 years ago
Oh!! #186 looks better than I thought it would!! Yayy! Thank you!
12 years ago
#184 can I see what that one would look like on the same background as #186 please? After that I think that is all I need :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#188 was a little more difficult on the color selections...
They were working as is so I had to make some adjustments.
I need to leave and will check back for your response and will make any changes you need.
Thank you!
12 years ago
#186 do you think we could try a different tree? I have gotten that it looks like curly hair form a few friends :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
If you could wait until tomorrow it will take me some time to reillustrate it and I am having problems with the internet today as well.

Will try in the morning...I think there is still time during this phase...
Thank you
12 years ago
Yes thank you very much!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I got the internet back so I decided to work on the tree....I reillustrated it and the colors are a slate gray to tone down the contrast...but white can be used as on the other entry

From a creative view point...As far as any tree they often take on the image of many things ...if we look long enough :-)

Have a good evening...I'll check back this weekend.

12 years ago
Thank you!
12 years ago
Can you make the birds in #186 the same color as #185 please?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I am sending that now...

wasn't sure you know that you may rank all designs as you choose and especially rank the top 10 since designers receive points for all entries up to that number.

Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, I tried to send the revision and because you are in judging mode it will not receive any additional entries..
12 years ago
Logo Designer
To let you know, after you select your logo any colors may be substituted
12 years ago
Ok I thought I had to do that before selected. Thank you!
12 years ago
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